
 From: Santiago Formental Planas
 Reimanstr.19 Aachen 52070 Germany

Street 6 # 113 Rpto.Sorribez - Santiago de Cuba. Cuba

To the: Government of the Republic of Cuba.
Office of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Cuba (instance corresponding)

subject: Complaint of crimes committed by Cuban citizens in Cuba against the laws of the Cuban Government.

1st complaint: illegal occupation, threats, coercion, unlawful business, opportunism, rape the House on 6th Street # 113 of cast Sorribez has been "occupied illegally" by Diosdanis and Mirena Formental Coca citizens who have never lived in that House. They are taking advantage of that I was suffering from a painful disease (deviation of a disc in the spine) abroad and could move me, not worth me by myself and with the support of a lawyer in April 2006 told everyone on the block that Santiago Formental (I) was not more a Cuban citizen and had lost all rights in Cubahaving that information in the "Cuban State" (immigration) and that to them theirs by law the House.

-Do not think it necessary that I tell the State how many violations in this case there are and how many people are involved (that is in charge of the State Prosecutor) but if they need more details see: Info 1

2nd complaint: alteration of data of personal identity, illegal appropriation, opportunism and corruption...
People (were friends of my family) who live in the House (General Rabbi 115, the Tivoli, Santiago de Cuba), where my grandparents were slaves and that after the war of independence step by hand of my grandfather happi Formental, have been "changed the surname" from Musterlier to Formental and have tried to take ownership of my grandfather's house or possibly has already have it this time. These people never them has claimed, nor order anything in return to live in that House.

-Do not think it necessary that I tell the State how many violations in this case there are and how many people are involved (that is in charge of the State Prosecutor) but if they need more details see: Info 1


Of course, that the authorities should order someone not be Santiago de Cuba for these cases...   Waiting for you a tough and intelligent action against those who seek to take advantage of the current socio-economic situation of the country to promote the disorder and anarchy in their own interests.

Santiago Formental.